League, matchday 28 Toumba Stadium - 1 219 02.11.2024, 14:00
The match is completed. |
Minute 90
Corner for FC Andorra. Eduardo Martinez on charge. The ball goes to Fernando Ruiz...but loses the ball.
Minute 90
Ignacio Contreras shoots... but the goalkeeper can turn the ball around the goalpost.
Minute 88
Ioannis Katsouranis shoots... but the goalkeeper can somehow catch it.
Minute 87
Enrique Garrido passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 85
Vasilis Liberopoulos shoots towards the goal... but into the arms of the goalkeeper!
Minute 82
Corner for PAOK FC. Alexis Stafylidis on charge. The ball goes to Petros Mitroglou...but loses the ball.
Minute 82
Lazaros Zagorakis shoots... into the sky.
Minute 81
Alvaro Crespo in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 80
Petros Mitroglou passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 79
Eduardo Martinez passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 78
Corner for FC Andorra. Fernando Ruiz on charge. The ball goes to Eduardo Martinez...but loses the ball.
Minute 78
Alberto Vargas shoots... but the goalkeeper can somehow catch it.
Minute 77
Christos Katsouranis lets taken away the ball.
Minute 74
Alexis Karagounis runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 73
Andreas Tachtsidis lets taken away the ball.
Minute 72
Alberto Vargas runs towards Andreas Tachtsidis... and looses the ball.
Minute 70
Alvaro Crespo shoots... but the goalkeeper can turn the ball around the goalpost.
Minute 68
Petros Mitroglou passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 67
Corner for PAOK FC. Alexis Stafylidis on charge. The ball goes to Petros Mitroglou...but loses the ball.
Minute 67
Ioannis Katsouranis shoots... into the sky.
Minute 66
Ioannis Katsouranis steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 65
Enrique Garrido passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 64
Ioannis Katsouranis passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 62
Lazaros Zagorakis shoots... but the goalkeeper dives to get the ball.
Minute 61
Fernando Ruiz passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 60
Fernando Ruiz has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 57
Miguel Angel Martinez shoots towards the goal... but into the arms of the goalkeeper!
Minute 55
Header by John Noris... that was close.
Minute 53
Petros Mitroglou has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 52
Fernando Ruiz runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 51
Cross by Ilias Zagorakis... into the clouds!
Minute 50
Cross by Eduardo Martinez... into the clouds!
Minute 49
Corner for FC Andorra. Lucas Lara on charge. The ball goes to Eduardo Martinez...but loses the ball.
Minute 49
Eduardo Martinez shoots... but the goalkeeper dives to get the ball.
Minute 48
Eduardo Martinez steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 47
Corner for FC Andorra. Lucas Lara on charge. The ball goes to Eduardo Martinez...but loses the ball.
Minute 47
Alberto Vargas shoots... but the goalkeeper can turn the ball around the goalpost.
Game Commentary |
"PAOK FC gegen FC Andorra, das ist eh kein Straßenfeger. Dann auch noch keine Tore - ich kenne Reporter, die wären persönlich beleidigt." |
Half-time break! Score: 0:0 |
Minute 45
Miguel Angel Martinez shoots... but the goalkeeper can turn the ball around the goalpost.
Minute 41
Alvaro Crespo shoots... into the sky.
Minute 40
Corner for FC Andorra. Lucas Lara on charge. The ball goes to Alvaro Crespo...but loses the ball.
Minute 40
Eduardo Martinez shoots... but missed.
Minute 38
Cross by Petros Mitroglou... into the clouds!
Minute 37
Fernando Ruiz passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 36
Corner for FC Andorra. Lucas Lara on charge. The ball goes to Fernando Ruiz...but loses the ball.
Minute 36
Alberto Vargas shoots... but the goalkeeper can somehow catch it.
Minute 35
Alexis Karagounis runs towards Alberto Vargas... and looses the ball.
Minute 33
Lucas Lara tries it with a strong shoot... but missed.
Minute 32
Alexis Stafylidis passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 29
Ignacio Contreras lets taken away the ball.
Minute 27
Petros Mitroglou hat freie Bahn und schiet... weit uber das Tor.
Minute 26
Corner for PAOK FC. Lazaros Zagorakis on charge. The ball goes to Petros Mitroglou...but loses the ball.
Minute 26
Ilias Zagorakis shoots... but missed.
Minute 25
Lucas Lara tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 24
Lucas Lara in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 22
Nikos Charisteas steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 21
Alberto Vargas runs towards Nikos Charisteas... and looses the ball.
Minute 20
Christos Katsouranis has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 19
Nikos Charisteas passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 17
Alberto Vargas shoots... into the sky.
Minute 15
Lazaros Zagorakis passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 13
Eduardo Martinez shoots... into the sky.
Minute 11
Header by Petros Mitroglou... that was close.
Minute 7
Header by Alberto Vargas... that was close.
Minute 5
Freisto fur FC Andorra! Fernando Ruiz schiet, aber zu ungenau.
Minute 5
Petros Mitroglou is shown the yellow card.
Minute 5
Eduardo Martinez steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 3
Vasilis Liberopoulos has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 2
Enrique Garrido gets the yellow card after a foul.
Minute 2
Enrique Garrido lets taken away the ball.
Start the game!!! |